Board of Directors’ members Marco Gadola, Jean-Philippe Rochat and Werner Helfenstein will be resigning from the Board of MCH Group Ltd. at the General Meeting of 2 May 2019. Marco Gadola has been a member of the Board since 2016 and is chairman of the Audit Committee. Jean-Philippe Rochat was an observer as of 2013 and, since 2017, has been a member of the Board of Directors and of the Governance, Nomination and Compensation Committee (GNCC). Werner Helfenstein has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2006 – as a delegate of the Canton of Basel-Stadt since 2013 – and is resigning from the Board on age grounds.
MCH Group Ltd. extends its sincere thanks to Marco Gadola, Jean-Philippe Rochat and Werner Helfenstein for their strong commitment to the company’s highest body. The Board of Directors is proposing to the General Meeting of 2 May 2019 that Markus Breitenmoser and Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard be elected as successors to Marco Gadola and Jean-Philippe Rochat.

Markus Breitenmoser has been recommended for nomination by shareholders linked to AMG Analysen & Anlagen AG, which, among other things, represents the biggest private shareholder of MCH Group Ltd. For more than 30 years, he has been a Board of Directors’ member, manager and consultant in different sectors of industry worldwide, including in the financial industry, and especially in the field of corporate restructuring and repositioning. He holds an MBA degree from the University of St. Gallen. Among other things, he is the founder and a partner and Board member of the consultancy Breitenmoser & Partner GmbH in Rapperswil-Jona and the innovation research company Alpora AG in Zug and also chairman of the Board of Central American forestry company, Novelteak AG.
Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard has more than 30 years’ international professional experience in managerial posts in different companies in the luxury and consumer goods industry as well as in the specialist retail trade – most recently as CEO of Oettinger Davidoff AG in Basel. Since 4 September 2018, he has been interim CEO of MCH Group Ltd. and will be continuing in this function until Bernd Stadlwieser, the new CEO, arrives on 12 June 2019. He is thus bringing valuable knowledge from the operational management of MCH Group Ltd. with him to the Board of Directors.
The government of the Canton of Basel-Stadt has taken the decision to delegate Dr. Dagmar Maria Kamber Borens to the Board of Directors of MCH Group Ltd. as successor to Werner Helfenstein. As a doctor of law and financial specialist, she was Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Swiss Universal Bank and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG until October 2018, where she was responsible inter alia for the segments of strategy, digitisation, IT, operations and bank products as well as marketing and sponsoring. Prior to that, Dr. Dagmar Maria Kamber Borens worked for almost 18 years in different managerial posts for UBS AG in Zurich, London and Singapore and, from 2012 to 2016, was Group CFO for the Asia-Pacific region in Singapore.
In addition, the Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting that Dr. Ulrich Vischer be re-elected as a member and chairman of the Board of Directors and that Dr. Karin Lenzlinger Diedenhofen and Andreas Widmer be re-elected as members of the Board of Directors. It is proposed that Dr. Ulrich Vischer, Dr. Balz Hösly and Thomas Weber be re-elected as members of the Governance, Nomination and Compensation Committee (GNCC) and that Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard be elected as a new member of the GNCC.