Answers to further shareholder questions

AMG Fondsverwaltung AG asked various additional questions on the occasion of the Extraordinary General Meeting on 29 January 2020. MCH Group Ltd. has published the written answers to the list of questions.

AMG Fondsverwaltung AG, represented by Erhard Lee and representing the AMG Group (comprising Ursula Lee, Erhard Lee and LLB Swiss Investment AG, acting for AMG Substanzwerte Schweiz), asked various additional questions on the occasion of the Extraordinary General Meeting on 29 January 2020. It agreed to a procedure whereby the questions would be collected and then answered in writing and published following the Extraordinary General Meeting. 

In consultation with the MCH Group, AMG Fondsverwaltung AG drew up a list of the additional questions in writing after the Extraordinary General Meeting and submitted this on 11 February 2020. The answers to the additional questions submitted by AMG Fondsverwaltung AG are posted (in German) on the website of MCH Group.