We invest in our people to improve the culture of our industry and make a positive impact in the communities we live and work in.

Our Employees
As of the end of the reporting year 2023, the MCH Group employed a total of 1,441 individuals, including both full-time and temporary staff. Out of these, 1,046 individuals worked full-time, which accounts for approximately 72.6% of all employees, and 395 individuals worked part-time, making up the remaining 27.4%. The gender distribution of employees showed that men accounted for approximately two-thirds of the workforce, while women accounted for the remaining one-third. This disparity in gender distribution is due to the fact that certain areas of work are traditionally male-dominated.
The majority of employees, 60%, are based in the USA, while 30% work in Switzerland. The remaining employees are distributed across locations in the EU and Asia.
employees worldwide
locations in Europe, Asia, and North America
game-changers from all business units
percent of employees are based in the USA
Culture Journey
To prepare ourselves for the future demands, we began a significant transformation process towards the end of 2022. As part of our economic recovery, we are also undergoing a cultural transformation, focused on developing new corporate values. These values are designed to guide our conduct within the team and across international boundaries, as well as influence our daily interactions and how we treat each other.

Code of Conduct
In 2018, the MCH Group introduced a “Code of Conduct”, which supports employees in ensuring that their conduct is legally and ethically correct and responsible.
It sets out guidelines on the environment, bribery and unfair advantages, gifts and invitations, conflicts of interest, the awarding of contracts, competition and antitrust law, insider information and insider trading, data protection and dealings with colleagues. It also describes the procedure in the event of alleged or actual violations.

More on our sustainability
Our Approach
We incorporate sustainability criteria into our management decisions, internal processes, investments, supply chain, products and services. Our clear governance structure ensures that our processes and practices are fair and transparent.
Our Planet
We strive to reduce our impact on the planet and make a positive impact on the industry. We’ve aligned our approach with the Net Zero Carbon Events to leave a positive imprint at every event.
Our Impact
We aim to leave a positive impact on the economic and political landscapes of all the locations where we operate.
Our Sustainability Report 2023
With our sustainability report, we demonstrate our commitment to transparency and sustainability, optimize operational processes, reduce risks, and ensure compliance with Swiss laws.