Extraordinary General Meeting of 29 January 2020

The Extraordinary General Meeting followed the proposals of the MCH Group's Board of Directors and rejected all the shareholders' proposals by a clear majority.

On 26 November 2019, AMG Fondsverwaltung AG, representing the AMG Group (comprising Ursula Lee, Erhard Lee and LLB Swiss Investment AG and acting on behalf of AMG Substanzwerte Schweiz), requested the convocation of an Extraordinary General Meeting and submitted motions for the initiation of a special review of the strategy, for the disclosure of business records and for changes to the Statutes. In conjunction with the motion for the initiation of a special review, AMG submitted 39 questions.

Ausserordentliche Generalversammlung | Aktionärsanträge abgelehnt | Impression.

The Board of Directors proposed to the shareholders that the motions be rejected. On January 27, it published the answers to the questionnaire submitted by the AMG Group.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of 29 January 2020 was attended by 162 shareholders, representing – together with the independent proxy – 87% of the voting rights. The motions of the AMG Group were rejected by a clear majority, the motions concerning the disclosure of business records and the initiation of a special review of the strategy were rejected by 78% and 77% respectively, and the motion for changes to the Statutes was rejected by 73% of the votes.

In the course of the discussion at the Extraordinary General Meeting, the AMG Group asked further questions, which will also be answered and published within a reasonable period of time.